
Mission & Vision

We are committed to educating our students with the skills to achieve their highest level of academic performance while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviours and attitudes enabling each student to achieve a successful transition from childhood to adulthood.

To be the distinguished and leading School of academic excellence among all the educational institutions in India and to mould a vibrant community striving for excellence.

Promote integrated development in our children by providing them knowledge and competencies for academic and career excellence as well as values and character for effective living in a global society

“Excellence and Relevance”

We, the members of the faculty and staff of Shermount Public School, commit to the following values:

We value and commit to excercising leadership characterized by innovation and vision.

We value excellence in teaching, service and research. We are committed to promoting creative and critical thinking among faculty members, students and staff members within a culture of inspiration, high expectations, accountability and quality service to the students and external communities.

Social and Ethical Responsibility
We value honesty, fairness, respect, compassion, and professional and scholarly ethics among faculty members, staff members and students.

We value respect for cultural, individual and role difference, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, family configuration, disability, philosophical orientation, and socioeconomic status among others.

Communication and Collaboration
We value open communication and collaboration within and across organizational units and with our external communities. We are committed to maintaining a spirit of community where differences of opinion are encouraged.